online business Costa Rica – commercial License

For several Years, DYN has been given assistance to Companies in the installation process in Costa Rica, getting commercial licenses, getting operation permits, registering the companies in Tax Administration. Usually our clients come to get a bank account, will hire employees, and will open an office locate in Costa Rica.-

But, in lasts times some new companies or structures has been asking us for services, companies with nothing but a server, or with a part or all its operation out of costa rica.

These structures legally recognized in Costa Rica, for example on line casinos, had been in troubles to get the Commercial License in Costa Rica, basically because one the requirements to get the commercial license is to have employees registered.

But in this century is 100% possible be in business with computers not with real people!!!, great computer systems bring the chance to offer all around the world services or products, and not necessarily you need to have offices, facilities, employees in every country.    

Considering this situation, we visited the Local Goverment Commercial license office, explaining how a company having business in Costa Rica,  duly recognized in our Tax Administration, paying for services, having bank accounts, a tax return income tax, but doing everything offshore cant have a commercial License.

After a long meeting there, and be clear about our intention to be under the law, and having in mind that this Commercial license will bring profits to the local governments, we talked about many many companies that are doing business “underground” because the mentioned requirement unable to ask for the commercial license.

Finally they agreed with us about this “new way to be in the business” and a specific procedure is been creating. 

We are really glad that our local government  take this changes bringing more options to the companies to work in safety way.  


Posted in English.

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